Okay, well, have been pretty busy lately and this weekend was no exception.  No bird watching had been planned, instead, it was my fathers 50th birthday celebration.  Doing the family thing we spent the weekend up in Seymour.

Now, for his birthday, my dad received a brand new set of binos to play with so of course, we went bird watching (can you tell where I picked up this hobby from yet?).  So, out to Mangalore we went, past the pub, over the railway line, down the road, second left and past some farms until we get to some bushland.  The rules?  Can't go home til we've identified 20 species.

Now, we made it, just, so let's see if I can remember what we saw;

Galah, Magpie, Magpie Lark, Australian Shell Duck, Flame Robin, Scarlet Robin (you can tell the difference with the amount of red - Scarlet Robin pictured), Horsfields Cuckoo, Yellow Brested Robin, Pied Currawong, Whistling Kite, Sulpher Crested Cockatoo, Welcome Swallow, Crow, Silvereye, White Plumed Honeyeater, Willy Wag Tail, Wattlebird, Kookaburra... and try as I might, I can't remember the last one!  Oh well, not too bad from memory.