Okay, so here's some art in progress.  I'm not sure if I like this one or if I can save it.  I have a good photo of some Royal Spoonbills from NZ and they're on a cliff made up of rocks and dirt... I'm having issues painting backgrounds more so than the birds themselves.

The rocks I'm not too upset about but if anyone has any advice on how to paint dirt??? You would think dirt wouldn't be too hard - well in that assumption, I was wrong.

The other challenge with this one is that it's twice the size of the other canvas sizes I have been using.

Other birds I have been working on include the rainbow lorikeet that is now on my art page.

Below is some crimson rosellas that I'm working on - background is still an issue, but since it is a fence (and over the fence is the neighbours backyard) I'm trying to make it ias simple as possible!  Again, this is a larger canvas so I still need to work on the finer details of the birds to make them stand out more.  I'm getting there though... one way to relax on a less